Welcome to Glass Phoenix Events

For Individuals
Come and join us on one of our scheduled retreats. Whether you are looking to change the results you are getting in life, or changing your life completely. Every course we offer looks to give you the life you deserve. Giving you confidence, determination, persistence, flexibility, adaptability or tenacity – all characteristics of an empowered person.

For Teams/Groups
Our activities are like a toolkit and we can tailor our offerings to the needs of your business. You may want to give your team a boost to reach out and grab the future your company needs. Or you might want to thank them for a job well-done or simply run a team building event that they will never forget.
Our seminars give delegates the courage and determination to overcome their own internal fears, to empower themselves to improve their own lives and in doing so, help their company meet its challenges head-on.

"You can, you should and if you're brave enough to start, you will" - Stephen King
It’s changed my life, given me perspective and time to develop myself. I’ve met the most amazing people and learnt so much. It’s worth every penny. I couldn’t thank Glass Phoenix enough for the tools they have metaphorically equipped me with. They are amazing at what they do.
If you have a spare weekend and want to ‘remember’ who you really are and rediscover what you are capable of, this is the place. Sally and Michelle will help you remove those self limiting beliefs and break old patterns of behaviour in a safe and supportive environment. You may cry, you will do things you never expected and you will definitely laugh. You will make new friends and strong connections and all you have to do is take that first step and be open. Nothing to lose and everything to gain!
My weekend with Glass phoenix events genuinely changed my life. I was able to learn more about myself in two days than I've known in 34 years of life. I was able to learn new things that I can apply to life daily which contribute to a holistic new and positive outlook on life.
About Our Programs

The feeling and belief that you can have faith in and rely on yourself. You’ve got this!!

Personal empowerment
Become stronger and more confident, especially in controlling your life. It’s your life – live it how you want to live it.

The willingness to give your time and energy to a job, activity or something that you believe in. You can make your dreams your reality.

The ability to do something that frightens you. Step out of that comfort zone, leave fear and those limiting thoughts behind.

Gain capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Life may knock you down but you can dust yourself down and carry on moving forwards.

Breathing Techniques
Breathwork practices can help reduce symptoms associated with anxiety, insomnia, post-traumatic stress, depression and so much more. Changing how you breathe can change your life.