COVID-19 Statement and framework for the return to in person events and breathing sessions


Glass Phoenix Events Ltd is following advice from Public Health England, the government and the NHS. We are monitoring the situation and will be updating this statement frequently in line with new measures and precautions.  We take the safety of our facilitators, clients and the general public seriously and we want to ensure an environment where people can expect to be well and safe whilst working with us.

We know that breathwork is beneficial to physical, mental and emotional health and that along with other wellness services there is a definite need to provide support during this pandemic.  We are committed to working online and remotely as the safest approach to breathwork, however where we can meet the guidelines and work within the law we will be working in person.

As there are no specific government guidelines for breathwork we are following the advice for close contact services, choir and musical groups including wind instruments, community worship, community centres for group work, group fitness and gym and leisure centres.  Due to the nature of our work which includes open mouth breathing and toning, we believe that by meeting the guidelines for all these groups, we are providing the safest environment that we can in the current circumstances.

For in person working this document will provide the framework of what to expect.  A summary of the guidelines and resources used to ensure compliance with government restrictions is included at the end of the document.


  • Only venues with COVID-19 secure measures in place will be used for in person events
  • A COVID-19 risk assessment will be completed for each venue
  • Facilitators and clients will be advised of venue specific COVID-19 precautions before attending including social distancing rules, one way systems, sanitising rules etc
  • We commit to the wellbeing of facilitators and clients and if they show any signs of COVID-19 we will not allow them to attend, should they become ill during an event we will send them home to follow government regulations
  • A temperature check and lateral flow test will be taken before access to the event is allowed, we will refuse entry to anyone who has a temperature above normal range or who tests positive
  • We will comply with any health designation documentation the government implements
  • Hand wipes/sanitiser will be on offer
  • We will ensure social distancing is adhered to
  • Face coverings will be required before and after but not during breathing sessions by clients, facilitators will follow the government guidelines for close contact services

Registering for an event

  • All bookings must be made in advance
  • Contact details will be taken and held for 21 days as per government guidelines
  • All payment will be taken electronically no money will be handled at the event
  • Participants attending from outside the UK must comply with the regulations for arriving in the UK. You must either have been in isolation for 10 days in the UK before the start of the event or have proof of a negative result from the test to release early from isolation scheme.


  • Staff will carry out regular cleaning of high-contact points throughout the event
  • If there is a case of COVID-19 at a venue, events will be cancelled until the venue has been deep cleaned following the PHE guidelines

Reception Area/Entering an event

  • Hand wipes/sanitiser will be on offer
  • Processes will be in place to ensure social distancing
  • Clients will be asked to wait in their vehicle until the main venue door is opened to avoid queuing and maintain social distancing while entering the building
  • Clients will be asked to move directly to a marked space on the floor and stay within that space

Changing rooms/showers/toilets

  • Clients will be asked to arrive in the clothes they intend to wear during the event and not use changing rooms or showers
  • Handwashing facilities will be available
  • One way systems will be in place to maintain social distancing

Event floorspace

  • Workspaces will be at least 2m apart and each person will be allocated to a space not less than 3m² as per government guidelines
  • Clients will be asked to bring their own equipment wherever possible
  • Maximum event capacity will be based on 3m² per person as per government guidelines
  • Social distancing guidelines will be followed

Face coverings

  • Clients will be required to wear facemasks when entering and leaving the building and before and after the breathwork session. They will not be required during the session
  • Facilitators will be required to follow government guidelines for close contact working (type II mask and visor) when within a clients workspace

During the session

  • Clients will be positioned facing away from each other
  • Facilitators will keep contact to the minimum required to successfully support the client
  • Facilitators will use hand sanitiser frequently and when moving between clients
  • Instruction will be given to clients on the position of supplies, tissues and disposal bags, clients will be expected to seal and dispose of these at the end of the session
  • Toning will be kept to the minimum volume required to successfully support the client
  • Clients will be encouraged to tone into a towel or face cloth they have provide themselves which facilitators will not touch, towels or face cloths must be placed in a plastic bag and sealed as soon as the session has finished


  • Any equipment required will be provided by Glass Phoenix Events for the sole use of the participant and will notshared between attendees. All participants will have their own set of kit which they can keep safe.